• May, 2010, Jane Hindley B.A. (London), Ph.D. (Essex), University of Essex, Centre for Interdisciplinary Humanity Studies. (協同教學)

  • Mar 2006. Nancy Folbre, B.A. (Texas), Ph.D. University of Massachusetts , Economics. Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts , explores the interface between economics and feminist theory, focusing on non-market work and the evolution of social institutions governing public support for childrearing . (性別研究之理論與實踐研習-第三場次)

  • Feb 2006. Raewyn Connell , B.A. (Melb), Ph.D. (Syd), holds a University Chair in the University of Sydney; Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, a  recipient of the American Sociological Association's award for distinguished contribution to the study of sex and gender, and of the Australian Sociological Association's award for distinguished service to sociology in Australia. (性別研究之理論與實踐研習營-第二場次)

  • Jan 2006. Janet Holland, B.Sc (Econ), Ph.D. (London School of Economics). Professor of Social Research, London South Bank University. (性別研究之理論與實踐研習營-第一場次)
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